Geekend Update – Batman Pics Emerge | Baby Yoda Toys Revealed |New Star Wars Film Incoming

Brand new images and footage have emerged from the set of The Batman, which is filming between London and Glasgow currently.



We reported that Matt Reeve’s The Batman project may be filming the origin of the original Robin, Dick Grayson, come March. The original report we provided suggested that Timothée Chalamet May play the role of Dick Grayson. We provide more details in this article.

Disney News

Mulan is the first Disney live-action remake to be Rated PG-13 due to “sequences of violence”.

Doctor Who News

Along with news that the two-part finale for Series 12 will have some answers regarding Ruth’s placement on the Doctor Who timeline, Chris Chibnall claims that he’ll also be sowing the seeds for Series 13, which he is indeed returning for. The two part finale begins today, February 23rd, and he claims that fans will need a strong drink due to the revelations.

Star Wars News

Uncharted News

Tom Holland claims that the video game prequel will begin filming in 4 weeks time in Berlin, when speaking to IGN on the press junket for Onward. The film will take a lot of inspiration from Uncharted 4.

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