All the Best News and Trailers from SDCC 2016 (GWNU, Ep. 4)

Hey guys, life is hard and I’m pretty busy. And as such, I’m posting this on the blog incredibly late – seeing as how it’s been on YouTube for most of the week now. For our fourth episode of the Geek Week News Update we talk about the impressive amount of news coming out of SDCC this year. It’s our longest episode yet and… well. Go ahead and watch it if you have the time. It’s about 35 minutes long though, so if you only want to check out certain portions of the video, please visit the actual video here and click on the timestamps in the video description!

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4 thoughts on “All the Best News and Trailers from SDCC 2016 (GWNU, Ep. 4)

  1. The best of the trailers for me was Justice League, given that every other trailer was of something that we’ve seen already in some way. This is the first time we’re seeing members of the Justice League interacting with the mentality of being the Justice League. Plus, Warner need to change perception of the DCEU following Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (which I neither like nor disliked, though I’m yet to see the Ultimate Edition). The Justice League trailer was more light-hearted, and didn’t take itself too seriously. Plus, Wayne gives a really epic speech to Curry about the Justice League, only for Allen to immediately accept before its begun. It’s that approach to the characters that makes me more confident about Justice League, because the presence of Curry and Allen, bound by Wayne, is balancing the tone between epic and funny. Prince might be the more iconic character, but right now I’d say that Justice League’s heart is in Allen and Curry – their first scene together will probably be the highlight. It took me a while to decide how I feel about Grant Gustin’s Allen from The Flash, but with Miller, I know straight away that I like him, and this is only a preview. For some reason, Miller reminded me a lot of Justin Long from Live Free or Die 4.0. Even Mamoa’s intensity, the way he carries himself. I find myself wanting to see more of, not just these characters, but of these actors. So on that basis, I do declare the Justice League trailer a success. (Interesting how Curry isn’t present in the scene toward the end when they’ve all assembled.) This Justice League trailer might have convinced me to be more forgiving of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

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    1. I’d encourage you to watch the Ultimate Edition. It really was a far better flick than the theatrical edition. I do agree with you for just about the rest of your comment though. I would say WW was the better trailer. But I have a bias towards period pieces and fantasy. Thor is my favorite Avenger, because of his fantasy-esque films, though they’re probably the weakest collectively in the MCU.

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